T5 Bus Service “Drop-In” Engagement Events – 8, 9 and 18 July

Transport for Wales will be holding engagement events in Haverfordwest and Cardigan over the next few weeks regarding future plans for the T5 (Haverfordwest-Fishguard-Cardigan-Aberystwyth) bus service.  

Transport for Wales wants to ensure that passengers feel that their voice is heard when it comes to the changes they make to the timetable, route and look-and-feel of the vehicles. It is also an exciting opportunity for Transport for Wales to meet with bus users to share updates about the service and wider plans for the Traws Cymru network.

The three drop-in engagement days across the T5 route – in Aberystwyth, Cardigan and Haverfordwest aim to capture the following information:

  • What passengers like about the service and want to see more of in the future. 
  • Improvements that passengers would like to see.
  • If the current route serves the community effectively. 
  • Ways that we can encourage and increase bus usage. 
  • An opportunity to meet the community, and share future plans for the T5, and the wider Traws Cymru network. 

Dates and locations below:

Monday 8 July – Haverfordwest

12:00 – 16:00
Haverhub, Haverfordwest, The Old Post Office, 12 Quay St, SA61 1BG

Tuesday 9 July – Cardigan

10:00 – 14:00
Theatr Mwldan, Cardigan, Bath-House Rd, SA43 1LY

Thursday 18 July – Aberystwyth

10:00 – 14:00
Aberystwyth Library, Canolfan Alun R. Edwards, Queen’s Square, SY23 2EB

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