Smart meters put consumers in control of their energy use, allowing them to adopt energy efficiency measures that can help save money on their energy bills and offset price increases.

If the person you care for has difficulties moving their hands, you may want to consider getting a smart meter with an accessible in-home display for them. They come with large tactile buttons and text-to-speech function.

What are smart meters?

Unlike traditional meters, which simply register a running total of energy used, smart gas and electricity meters can record half-hourly price and consumption data and provide automatic meter readings to your energy supplier.

Most homes have two meters, one for gas and one for electricity โ€“ both will be replaced with smart meters. You will also be offered an In-Home Display (sometimes referred to as an IHD), an easy-to-use handheld device that sits within your home.

This will show you the cost and amount of energy you are using, updating every 30 minutes for gas and in near real-time for electricity.

For more information, please visit Smart meters: a guide for households

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